51% Attack via Difficulty Increase with a Small Quantum Miner
Mar 12, 2024e-Print:
- 2403.08023 [quant-ph]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a strategy for a single quantum miner with relatively low hashing power, with the same ramifications as a 51% attack. Bitcoin nodes consider the chain with the highest cumulative proof-of-work to be the valid chain. A quantum miner can manipulate the block timestamps to multiply the difficulty by . The fork-choice rule counts every block with increased difficulty with weight . By using Grover's algorithm, it is only harder for the quantum miner to mine such blocks. By picking a high enough , the single quantum miner can create a competing chain with fewer blocks, but more cumulative proof-of-work. The time required is epochs, where is the fraction of the block rewards that the quantum miner would have received if they mined honestly. Most proof-of-work cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, are vulnerable to our attack. However, it will likely be impossible to execute in forthcoming years, as it requires an extremely fast and fault-tolerant quantum computer.Note:
- Minor revision
- computer, quantum
- Grover algorithm
- [ABL+ 18]
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