Disti-Mator: an entanglement distillation-based state estimator

Jun 19, 2024
5 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
Minimizing both experimental effort and consumption of valuable quantum resources in state estimation is vital in practical quantum information processing. Here, we explore characterizing states as an additional benefit of the entanglement distillation protocols. We show that the Bell-diagonal parameters of any undistilled state can be efficiently estimated solely from the measurement statistics of probabilistic distillation protocols. We further introduce the state estimator `Disti-Mator' designed specifically for a realistic experimental setting, and exhibit its robustness through numerical simulations. Our results demonstrate that a separate estimation protocol can be circumvented whenever distillation is an indispensable communication-based task.
  • 14+5 pages, 5 figures, comments are welcome, repository link updated