QCD jets in a hot and dense medium: a study of shower formation time and collision kernels

Jul 29, 2024

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
With the use of MARTINI, a model which considers evolving QCD jets against a fluid dynamical background, it is shown that the introduction of formation time to the parton shower after the initial hard scattering is essential for a simultaneous description of charged hadron and jet RAAR_{AA}. This inclusion also improves jet shape ratio at small angle and jet fragmentation function ratios of leading charged hadrons. The MARTINI framework is then aimed at a study of the leading order, next-to-leading-order, and non perturbative collision kernels. Sizable differences in the modification of jet substructure observables, i.e., jet shape and fragmentation functions are observed. Such differences are caused by the difference in the radiation rates of relatively soft gluons that survive in the evolution in medium.