Floquet engineering of interactions and entanglement in periodically driven Rydberg chains
Aug 5, 2024
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Neutral atom arrays driven into Rydberg states constitute a promising approach for realizing programmable quantum systems. Enabled by strong interactions associated with Rydberg blockade, they allow for simulation of complex spin models and quantum dynamics. We introduce a new Floquet engineering technique for systems in the blockade regime that provides control over novel forms of interactions and entanglement dynamics in such systems. Our approach is based on time-dependent control of Rydberg laser detuning and leverages perturbations around periodic many-body trajectories as resources for operator spreading. These time-evolved operators are utilized as a basis for engineering interactions in the effective Hamiltonian describing the stroboscopic evolution. As an example, we show how our method can be used to engineer strong spin exchange, consistent with the blockade, in a one-dimensional chain, enabling the exploration of gapless Luttinger liquid phases. In addition, we demonstrate that combining gapless excitations with Rydberg blockade can lead to dynamic generation of large-scale multi-partite entanglement. Experimental feasibility and possible generalizations are discussed.Note:
- 5 + 7 pages, 4 + 4 figures
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