The physical moduli of heterotic G_2 string compactifications

Sep 19, 2024
31 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
In previous works, an operator was developed for heterotic compactifications on R2,1×G2\mathbb{R}^{2,1}\times G_2 and AdS3×G2AdS_3 \times G_2, which preserves N=1N=1d=3d=3 supersymmetry and whose kernel is related to the moduli of the compactification. The operator is described in terms of non-physical spurious degrees of freedom, specifically, deformations of a connection on the tangent bundle. In this paper, we eliminate these spurious degrees of freedom by linking deformations of the spin connection to the moduli of the G2G_2 manifold YY. This results in an operator Dˇ\check D that captures the physical moduli space of the G2G_2 heterotic string theory. When Y=X×S1Y=X\times S^1, with XX an SU(3)SU(3) manifold, we show Dˇ\check D produces results that align with existing literature. This allows us to propose a G2G_2 moduli space metric. We check that this metric reduces to the SU(3)SU(3) moduli metric constructed in the literature. We then define an adjoint operator Dˇ{\check D}^\dag. We show the G2G_2 moduli correspond to the intersection of the kernels of Dˇ\check D and Dˇ{\check D}^\dag. These kernels reduce to the SU(3)SU(3) F-terms and D-terms respectively on X×S1X\times S^1. This gives two non-trivial consistency checks of our proposed moduli space metric. Working perturbatively in α\alpha', we also demonstrate that the heterotic G2G_2 moduli problem can be characterised in terms of a double extension of ordinary bundles, just like in the SU(3)SU(3) case.
  • 31 pages; v3 fixed typos, streamlined derivation of results in section 4; v2 minor typos corrected