Machine Learning-Powered Data Cleaning for LEGEND

Oct 5, 2024
11 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
Neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) is a rare nuclear process that, if observed, will provide insight into the nature of neutrinos and help explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay (LEGEND) will operate in two phases to search for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta. The first (second) stage will employ 200 (1000) kg of High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) enriched in 76^{76}Ge to achieve a half-life sensitivity of 1027^{27} (1028^{28}) years. In this study, we present a semi-supervised data-driven approach to remove non-physical events captured by HPGe detectors powered by a novel artificial intelligence model. We utilize Affinity Propagation to cluster waveform signals based on their shape and a Support Vector Machine to classify them into different categories. We train, optimize, test our model on data taken from a natural abundance HPGe detector installed in the Full Chain Test experimental stand at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We demonstrate that our model yields a maximum physics event sacrifice of 0.0240.003+0.004%0.024 ^{+0.004}_{-0.003} \% when performing data cleaning cuts. Our model is being used to accelerate data cleaning development for LEGEND-200.
  • 11 pages, 13 figures