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Abstract: (arXiv)
The recently launched James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is opening new observing windows on the distant universe. Among JWST's instruments, the Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI) offers the unique capability of imaging observations at wavelengths λ>5μ\lambda > 5\mum. This enables unique access to the rest frame near infra-red (NIR, λ1\lambda \ge 1\mum) emission from galaxies at redshifts z>4z>4 and the visual (λ5000\lambda \gtrsim 5000Å) rest frame for z>9z>9. We here report on the guaranteed time observations (GTO) from the MIRI European Consortium, of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF), forming the MIRI Deep Imaging Survey (MIDIS), consisting of an on source integration time of 41\sim41 hours in the MIRI/F560W (5.6 μ\mum) filter. To our knowledge, this constitutes the longest single filter exposure obtained with JWST of an extragalactic field as yet.
  • submitted to A&A on July 30, 2024