Quantization of Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds: Analytic Continuation of Path Integrals and Coherent States
Jan 9, 2025Citations per year
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We extend Berezin's quantization to holomorphic symplectic manifolds, which involves replacing the state space with its complexification We show that this is equivalent to replacing rank\unicode{x2013}1 Hermitian projections with all rank\unicode{x2013}1 projections. We furthermore allow the states to be points in the cotangent bundle of a Grassmanian. We also define a holomorphic path integral quantization as a certain idempotent in a convolution algebra and we prove that these two quantizations are equivalent. For each we construct a faithful functor from the category of finite dimensional \unicode{x2013}algebras to to the category of hyperkähler manifolds and we show that our quantization recovers the original \unicode{x2013}algebra. In particular, this functor comes with a homomorphism from the commutator algebra of the \unicode{x2013}algebra to the Poisson algebra of the associated hyperkähler manifold. Related to this, we show that the cotangent bundles of Grassmanians have commuting almost complex structures that are compatible with a holomorphic symplectic form.Note:
- 20 pages
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