Study of η→π+π−l+l−
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Abstract: (arXiv)
Using a sample of (10087±44)×106J/ψ events accumulated with the BESIII detector, we analyze the decays η→π+π−l+l− (l=e or μ) via the process J/ψ→γη. The branching fraction of η→π+π−e+e− is measured to be B(η→π+π−e+e−)=(3.07±0.12stat.±0.19syst.)×10−4. No signal events are observed for the η→π+π−μ+μ− decay, leading to an upper limit on the branching fraction of B(η→π+π−μ+μ−)<4.0×10−7 at the 90% confidence level. Furthermore, the CP-violation asymmetry parameter is found to be ACP(η→π+π−e+e−)=(−4.04±4.69stat.±0.14syst.)%, showing no evidence of CP-violation with current statistics. Additionally, we extract the transition form factor from the decay amplitude of η→π+π−e+e−. Finally, axion-like particles are searched for via the decay η→π+π−a,a→e+e−, and upper limits on this branching fraction relative to that of η→π+π−e+e− are presented as a function of the axion-like particle mass in the range 5−200 MeV/c2.References(45)
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