A Classifying Space for Phases of Matrix Product States

Jan 23, 2025
63 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We construct a topological space B\mathcal{B} consisting of translation invariant injective matrix product states (MPS) of all physical and bond dimensions and show that it has the weak homotopy type K(Z,2)×K(Z,3)K(\mathbb{Z}, 2) \times K(\mathbb{Z}, 3). The implication is that the phase of a family of such states parametrized by a space XX is completely determined by two invariants: a class in H2(X;Z)H^2(X; \mathbb{Z}) corresponding to the Chern number per unit cell and a class in H3(X;Z)H^3(X; \mathbb{Z}), the so-called Kapustin-Spodyneiko (KS) number. The space B\mathcal{B} is defined as the quotient of a contractible space E\mathcal{E} of MPS tensors by an equivalence relation describing gauge transformations of the tensors. We prove that the projection map p:EBp:\mathcal{E} \rightarrow \mathcal{B} is a quasifibration, and this allows us to determine the weak homotopy type of B\mathcal{B}. As an example, we review the Chern number pump-a family of MPS parametrized by S3S^3-and prove that it generates π3(B)\pi_3(\mathcal{B}).
  • 63 pages