Effective Lepton Flavor Violating couplings at Muon Collider

Jan 25, 2025

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We estimate the sensitivity of Wilson coefficients of the lepton flavor-violating dimension-six operators at the proposed μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- collider. We compute the signal significance at s\sqrt{s} = 3 and 10 TeV, respectively, with an integrated luminosity of 1 and 10 ab1^{-1} corresponding to unpolarized and polarized initial muon beams. Using the optimal observable method for the kinematic distributions, we study the measurement errors of the effective couplings at the 1-sigma level.
  • 4 pages, 3 figures, To be published in the proceedings of the XXVI DAE-BRNS HEP Symposium, 19-23 December 2024, BHU, Varanasi, India