Comments on: "Introduction to the Absolute Brightness and Number Statistics in Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion" (2019 J. Opt. 21, 043501)

Mar 3, 2025
12 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
These comments contain two primary improvements to the aforementioned article: Where previously mentioned in passing in section 3.4 of our article, we now provide, using the same basic steps as in Bennink's paper, [Phys. Rev. A 81, 053805 (2010)] (with some expanded discussion), a full derivation for the absolute generation rate of photon pairs from Spontaneous-Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC) when using a focused gaussian pump beam as input, and collecting the output biphotons in a pair of focused gaussian collection modes. We do this to both show consistency between our formalism and his treatment, and to be able to use it to predict the absolute brightness of photon pair generation in these sources. In doing so, our formula differs from that in [Phys. Rev. A 81, 053805 (2010)] by only a constant factor based on the ratio of products of indices of refraction. Second, we correct an abuse of notation in our main work in which the quantization dimensions of the cavity modes of the electromagnetic field are conflated with the dimensions of the nonlinear medium. While this does not meaningfully affect the final formulas we obtain for the generation rates in the paper (adding a dimensionless correction factor of order unity), we use the gaussian-mode SPDC derivation here to show how the factors of the quantization dimensions disappear when converting from a discrete-momentum basis of rectangular cavity modes to a continuous frequency basis of gaussian spatial modes. In doing this, we find that applying this correction factor to our previous theoretical predictions for the photon pair generation rates brings them closer to the obtained experimental values.
  • 12 pages; Comment on arXiv:1807.10885, whose subsequent publication is under DOI:10.1088/2040-8986/ab05a8