A Demonstration of Slowed Electron E×B{\bf E} \times {\bf B} Drift for PTOLEMY

Mar 13, 2025
26 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
The novel transverse electromagnetic filtering system proposed by the PTOLEMY collaboration necessitates the precise control of β\beta-decay electron motion via E×B{\bf E} \times {\bf B} drift. In particular, drift speed must be slowed substantially to contain electrons within the radio-frequency antenna region and accurately tune voltage potentials within the filter. This paper presents the experimental design to vary E×B{\bf E} \times {\bf B} drift speed of carbon-14 β\beta-decay electrons using a custom electrode field cage situated between the pole faces of an electromagnet. Matching our results with high-fidelity simulation, we deduce a capacity to increase particle time of flight by a factor of 5 in the field cage's slow drift region. Limited only by the dimensions of our system, we assert drift speed can be arbitrarily slowed to meet the needs of PTOLEMY's future detector.
  • 26 pages, 32 figures