Energy Reconstruction of Non-fiducial Electron-Positron Events in the DAMPE Experiment Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Mar 13, 2025e-Print:
- 2503.10521 [astro-ph.IM]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a space-based Cosmic-Ray (CR) observatory with the aim, among others, to study Cosmic-Ray Electrons (CREs) up to 10 TeV. Due to the low CRE rate at multi-TeV energies, we aim to increasing the acceptance by selecting events outside the fiducial volume. The complex topology of non-fiducial events requires the development of a novel energy reconstruction method. We propose the usage of Convolutional Neural Networks for a regression task to recover an accurate estimation of the initial energy.References(24)
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