Searching for accreting compact binary systems from spectroscopy and photometry: Application to LAMOST spectra

Mar 16, 2025
18 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
Compact objects undergoing mass transfer exhibit significant (and double-peaked) HαH_{\alpha} emission lines. Recently, new methods have been developed to identify black hole X-ray binaries (BHXBs) and calculate their systematic parameters using HαH_{\alpha} line parameters, such as the full-width at half maximum (FWHM), equivalent width (EW), and separation of double peaks. In addition, the FWHM-EW plane from spectroscopy and the HαH_{\alpha} color-color diagram from photometry can be used for rapid stellar classification. We measure the HαH_{\alpha} and HβH_{\beta} profiles (e.g., FWHM and EW) using the LAMOST DR9 low- and medium-resolution spectra, and calculate the systematic parameters (e.g., velocity semi-amplitude of the donor star, mass ratio, inclination angle, and mass of the accretor). A new correlation between FWHM and K2K_{\rm 2}, K2=0.205(18) FWHMK_{\rm 2} = 0.205(18)\ \rm{FWHM}, is obtained for cataclysmic variables (CVs) in our sample. Both the FWHM-EW plane and the HαH_{\alpha} color-color diagram can distinguish CVs with FWHM \gtrsim 1000 km/s from Be stars and young stellar objects (YSOs) to some extent. To improve classification accuracy and enhance the selection of compact objects, we propose a new set of idealized filters with effective widths of 30 Å, 130 Å, and 400 Å for the narrow HαH_{\alpha} filter, broad HαH_{\alpha} filter, and rr-band filter, respectively.
  • 18pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in APJ
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