Extended mass and spheroidal deformation effects on epicyclic frequencies and periapsis shift in quasi-circular orbits

Mar 17, 2025
25 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We investigate the effects of extended mass and spheroidal deformation on the periapsis shift of quasi-circular orbits inside a gravitating mass distribution in the Newtonian framework. Focusing on the internal gravitational potential of a spheroidal body with both homogeneous and inhomogeneous density profiles, we elucidate how the ratio of local density to average density governs the extended mass effect on the periapsis shift. By analyzing the orbital angular frequency, along with the radial and vertical epicyclic frequencies, we demonstrate that in the uniform density case (i.e., the Maclaurin spheroid), where the potential takes the form of a harmonic oscillator, the periapsis exhibits a constant retrograde shift of π-\pi. In contrast, in regions where density inhomogeneity and spheroidal deformation (in both prolate and oblate forms) are significant, the periapsis shift varies with the guiding orbital radius due to local density contrast and deformation effects. The resuls indicate that oblate deformation suppresses the extended mass effect associated with the ratio of local density to average density, whereas prolate deformation amplifies it. Furthermore, by varying the density distribution parameters, we establish the conditions for orbital stability and identify the emergence of marginally stable orbits.
  • 25 pages, 7 figures