How flat is the universe?
Mar, 2000Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
In order to answer this question, we combine ten independent astrophysical constraints in the space of the density parameters Ωm of gravitating matter and ΩΛ of vacuum energy. We find that Ωm=0.31±0.07, ΩΛ=0.63±0.21, and thus Ωm+ΩΛ=0.94±0.22. The total χ2 is 4.1 for 8 degrees of freedom, testifying that the various systematic errors included are generous. We also determine Ωm in the exactly flat case. Five supplementary flat-case constraints can then be included in our fit, with the result Ωm=1−ΩΛ=0.337±0.031. It follows that the age of the Universe is t0=13.5±1.3 (0.68/h) Gyr.References(32)
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