Hydrodynamic approach to the evolution of cosmological structures

Sep, 2000
14 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
A hydrodynamic formulation of the evolution of large-scale structure in the Universe is presented. It relies on the spatially coarse-grained description of the dynamical evolution of a many-body gravitating system. Because of the assumed irrelevance of short-range (``collisional'') interactions, the way to tackle the hydrodynamic equations is essentially different from the usual case. The main assumption is that the influence of the small scales over the large-scale evolution is weak: this idea is implemented in the form of a large-scale expansion for the coarse-grained equations. This expansion builds a framework in which to derive in a controlled manner the popular ``dust'' model (as the lowest-order term) and the ``adhesion'' model (as the first-order correction). It provides a clear physical interpretation of the assumptions involved in these models and also the possibility to improve over them.
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