Neutralino dark matter and caustic ring signals
Sep, 20006 pages
Part of Proceedings, 3rd International Workshop on The identification of dark matter (IDM 2000) : York, UK, September 18-22, 2000, 115-120
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- , 115-120
- IDM 2000
- astro-ph/0012233 [astro-ph]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We have studied the effects on the gamma-ray flux on Earth by neutralino annihilations in caustic rings of dark matter in the Galactic halo. The caustic ring model by Sikivie has been used where dark matter particles are assumed to possess angular momentum with respect to the Galactic centre. The computer code DarkSUSY was then used to examine the supersymmetric implications on the flux. We conclude that a small signal might be detectable under very optimistic assumptions, but under these only.- talk: York 2000/09/18
- dark matter
- neutralino: annihilation
- WIMP: annihilation
- photon: flux
- photon: cosmic radiation
- galaxy
- angular momentum
- velocity: dispersion
- supersymmetry