Early chandra x-ray observations of eta carinae
Jan, 2001Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Sub-arcsecond resolution Chandra observations of Eta Carinae reveal a 40 arcsec X 70 arcsec ring or partial shell of X-ray emission surrounding an unresolved, bright, central source. The spectrum of the central source is strongly absorbed and can be fit with a high-temperature thermal continuum and emission lines. The surrounding shell is well outside the optical/IR bipolar nebula and is coincident with the Outer Shell of Eta Carinae. The X-ray spectrum of the Shell is much softer than that of the central source. The X-ray Shell is irregular and only correlates well with optical features where a bright X-ray knot coincides with a bright feature of the Outer Shell. Implications for the binary model of the central source are discussed.References(7)