Abstract: (arXiv)
This work is a review of the last results of research on the Scalar Field Dark Matter model of the Universe at cosmological and at galactic level. We present the complete solution to the scalar field cosmological scenario in which the dark matter is modeled by a scalar field Φ\Phi with the scalar potential V(Φ)=V0(cosh(λκ0Φ)1)V(\Phi)=V_{0}(cosh {(\lambda \sqrt{\kappa_{0}}\Phi)}-1) and the dark energy is modeled by a scalar field Ψ\Psi, endowed with the scalar potential V~(Ψ)=V0~(sinh(ακ0Ψ))β\tilde{V}(\Psi)= \tilde{V_{0}}(\sinh{(\alpha \sqrt{\kappa_{0}}\Psi)})^{\beta}, which together compose the 95% of the total matter energy in the Universe. The model presents successfully deals with the up to date cosmological observations, and is a good candidate to treat the dark matter problem at the galactic level.
  • Published in Exact Solutions and Scalar Fields in Gravity, Recent Developments. Edited by A. Macias, J.L. Cervantes-Cota and C. Lammerzahl. Plenum Pub. Corp., 2001. pp 166-184.
  • 11 pagez, 5 figures, REVTeX. To appear in proceedings of the ``Mexican Meeting on Exact Solutions and Scalar Fields in Gravity '', in honour of Heinz Dehnen's 65th Birthday and Dietrich Kramer's 60th Birthday. Mexico D.F., Mexico, in press. More info at http://www.fis.cinvestav.mx/~siddh/PHI/
  • dark matter
  • field theory: scalar
  • dark energy
  • galaxy
  • numerical calculations