Chandra observation of the rho oph cloud
Apr, 2001Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We observed a 17 region of the Oph molecular cloud, using the ACIS-I array onboard the {\it Chandra X-ray Observatory} (CXO). A 100-ks exposure observation revealed hundred X-ray sources above the detection limit of 10 ergs s. About 2/3 of the X-ray sources are identified to an optical and/or infrared counterpart, including significant numbers of class I, II and III sources and a few brown dwarfs. The X-ray detection rate of class I sources is surprisingly high of 70 %. Many X-ray flares, possibly due to the magnetic activity, are found from all of the classes. We make systematic spectral studies on the quiescent and flare X-rays for all the X-ray sources. The X-ray temperatures and absorptions of class I sources are generally larger than those of class II and III sources. Also X-ray flares from class I sources show a hint of higher duty ratio, temperature and luminosity, than those from more evolved classes. We further give brief results on brown dwarfs, younger phase than class I, unclassified and unidentified sources. Details for several selected young stellar objects, including the first detection of a neutral iron line (6.4 keV) from a class I source YLW 16A, are separately addressed.References(0)
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