NGC 4151: An Intrinsically average Seyfert 1
Aug, 2001
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a detailed analysis of a long, 100 ksec, observation of NGC 4151 by ASCA, contemporaneous with an observation by the CGRO/OSSE. We fit the data with physical models including an Fe K line and Compton reflection both relativistically broadened and coupled according to theoretical results. The model also includes a narrow Fe K component, which is emitted by both an extended plasma region and the X-ray absorber. Our study of the absorber shows strong evidence for the presence of more than one partial-covering cloud in the line of sight. Taking these points into account, our best intrinsic model includes a Comptonization continuum with an X-ray slope of Gamma=1.9 from a thermal plasma with an electron kT=70 keV or so and a disk line with an equivalent width of about 70 eV. The broadening of the line and reflection indicate their origin from innermost parts of an accretion disk. Our results indicate that NGC 4151 has an intrinsic X-ray spectrum and variability properties similar to those of average Seyfert 1s.References(0)
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