Grb 000301c: a possible short/intermediate duration burst connected to a dla system

Sep, 2001
3 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
We discuss two main aspects of the GRB 000301C afterglow (Fynbo et al. 2000, Jensen et al. 2000): its short duration and its possible connection with a Damped Ly-alpha Absorber (DLA). GRB 000301C falls in the short class of bursts, though it is consistent with belonging to the proposed intermediate class or the extreme short end of the distribution of long-duration GRBs. Based on two VLT spectra we estimate the HI column density to be Log(N(HI))=21.2+/-0.5. This is the first direct indication of a connection between GRB host galaxies and Damped Ly-alpha Absorbers.