Light curves of oscillating neutron stars

Feb, 2005
24 pages
Published in:
  • Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 361 (2005) 659-672

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We calculate light curves produced by rr-modes with small azimuthal wavenumbers, mm, propagating in the surface fluid ocean of rotating neutron stars. We include relativistic effects due to rapid rotation, and propagate photons from the stellar surface to a distant observer using the Schwarzschild metric. The wave motions of the surface rr-modes are confined to the equatorial region of the star, and the surface pattern of the temperature variation can be either symmetric (for even modes) or anti-symmetric (for odd modes) with respect to the equator. Since for the surface rr-modes the oscillation frequency in the corotating frame of the star is much smaller than the rotation frequency, Ω\Omega, we employ the approximation in which the oscillation frequency in the inertial frame, σ\sigma, is given by σ=mΩ\sigma= -m\Omega. We find that the eveneven, m=1m = 1 rr-mode produces the largest light variations. The dominant Fourier component in the light curves of these modes is the fundamental having σ=Ω\sigma=-\Omega, and the first harmonic component having σ=2Ω\sigma=-2\Omega is always negligible in comparison. The dominant Fourier component of the even, m=2m=2 rr-modes is the first harmonic. Although the oddodd rr-modes produce smaller amplitude light variations compared with the eveneven modes, the light curves of the former have a stronger first harmonic component. If both m=1m=1 and 2 rr-modes are excited simultaneously, a rich variety of light curves is possible, including those having an appreciable first harmonic component. We show that the phase difference, δδE\delta-\delta_E, between the bolometric light curve and that at a particular photon energy can possibly be used as a probe of the stellar compactness, R/MR/M, where RR and MM are the radius and mass of the star.