A Wide-field Hubble Space Telescope survey of the cluster CL 0024+16 at z=0.4. 3. Spectroscopic signatures of environmental evolution in early type galaxies

Aug, 2005
27 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J. 634 (2005) 977-1001

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We report results from a panoramic spectroscopic survey of 955 objects in the field of the rich cluster Cl 0024+1654 (z~0.4), complementing the HST imaging presented in the first paper in this series. Our new spectroscopic sample includes over 200 high quality spectra of cluster members, spread across an area 10 Mpc in diameter. We examine the properties of a large sample of 104 cluster early-types as a function of cluster radius and local density, using them as sensitive tracers of the various physical processes that may be responsible for galaxy evolution. By constructing the Fundamental Plane of Cl 0024, we infer an evolution in the mean mass to light ratio of early-types equal to \Delta = -0.14 +- 0.02. In the cluster center, we detect a significantly increased scatter in the relationship compared to that seen in local clusters. Moreover, we observe a clear radial trend in the mass to light ratios of individual early types, with the oldest galaxies located in the cluster core. Galaxies are apparently younger at larger radius, with E+S0s in the periphery having M/L_V ratios that nearly match values seen in the field at a similar redshift. Independent spectral indicators used in combination reveal an abrupt interaction with the cluster environment which occurs near the virial radius of Cl 0024, revealed by small bursts of star formation in a population of dim early-types, as well as by enhanced Balmer absorption for a set of larger E+S0s closer to the cluster core. We construct a simple infall model used to compare the timescales and strengths of the observed interactions in this cluster. We examine the possibility that bursts of star formation are triggered when galaxies suffer shocks as they encounter the intra-cluster medium, or by the onset of galaxy harassment.
  • 27 pages, 14 figures, Accepted by ApJ
  • galaxies: clusters: individual (Cl 0024+1654)
  • galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD
  • galaxies: evolution
  • galaxies: formation
  • galaxies: fundamental parameters
  • galaxies: kinematics and dynamics