Approximation of lateral distribution of atmospheric Cerenkov light at different observation levels for different primary particles. applications for cosmic ray studies

Nov, 2005
10 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
This work summarizes the results presented at 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference in Pune India. Generally the aim of this work is to obtain the lateral distribution of the atmospheric Cherenkov light in extensive air showers produced by different primary particles in wide energy range and at several observation levels and to fit the obtained lateral distributions. Using one large detector and partially modified CORSIKA code version are obtained the lateral distributions of Cherenkov light flux densities at several observation levels for different particle primaries precisely at 536 g/cm2 Chacaltaya, 700 g/cm2 Moussala and 875 g/cm2 Kartalska field observation levels for hadronic primaries and gamma quanta in the energy range 1011 eV-1016 eV. On the basis of the solution of over-determined inverse problem the approximation of these distributions is obtained. The same model function for all the primaries is used and for the different observation levels. The different model parameters for the different primaries and levels are obtained. The approximations are compared with polynomial approximation obtained with different method. Both approximations are used for detector efficiency estimation for the different experiments in preparation and estimation of the accuracy of the reconstruction techniques. At the same time inclined showers up to 30 degrees zenith angle are studied at Chacaltaya observation level. The obtained lateral distributions of vertical showers are compared with vertical showers model and the previously obtained approximation. This permits to adjust the reconstruction strategy and to study the model parameters behavior.
  • cosmic radiation: primary
  • p: cosmic radiation
  • helium: cosmic radiation
  • iron: cosmic radiation
  • photon: cosmic radiation
  • showers: air
  • radiation: Cherenkov
  • photon: spatial distribution
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo