Characterizing Charge Diffusion in CCDs with X-rays
Apr, 200612 pages
Published in:
- Publ.Astron.Soc.Pac. 118 (2006) 866
- astro-ph/0604322 [astro-ph]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We demonstrate the effectiveness of two techniques for using x-rays to evaluate the amount of charge diffusion in charge coupled devices (CCDs). We quantify the degree of charge diffusion with two parameters: sigma_d, the standard deviation for a Gaussian diffusion model, and Q, a ratio of the point spread function (PSF) peak to its wings. sigma_d and Q are determined by fitting a model to a pixel energy histogram, and by summing the PSF of all x-ray events, respectively. Using seven test devices, we investigate the precision of these two techniques and demonstrate that they produce compatible results. The histogram fitting method is sensitive to the structure of the electric field within these devices, in addition to the inherent charge diffusion properties. The Q ratio is a very simple parameter to measure and provides an easily accessible method for quickly evaluating a CCD's diffusion length.- INSTRUMENTATION DETECTORS