On the dynamics of radiative zones in rotating stars
Aug, 200621 pages
Part of Proceedings, Cargese School on Astrophysics Fluid Dyanamics : Cargese, France, May 9-13, 2005, 275-295
Published in:
- EAS Publ.Ser. 21 (2006) 275-295
Contribution to:
- Published: 2006
- astro-ph/0608431 [astro-ph]
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Abstract: (EDP Sciences)
Stellar Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Simulations: From the Sun to Neutron StarsM. Rieutord and B. Dubrulle (eds)EAS Publications Series, 21 (2006) 275-295On the dynamics of radiative zones in rotating starsM. RieutordLaboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, UMR 5572,CNRS et Université Paul Sabatier, 14 avenue E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse,France In this lecture I try to explain the basic dynamical processes atwork in a radiative zone of a rotating star. In particular, the notionof baroclinicity is thoroughtly discussed. Attention is speciallydirected to the case of circulations and the key role of angular momentumconservation is stressed. The specific part played by viscosity isalso explained. The old approach of Eddington and Sweet is reviewed andcriticized in the light of the seminal papers of Busse (1981) and Zahn (1992).Other examples taken in the recent literature are also presented;finally, I summarize the important points.References(17)