Investigating hot gas in the halos of two massive spirals: Observations and cosmological simulations

Oct, 2006
20 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Models of disk galaxy formation commonly predict the existence of an extended reservoir of hot gas surrounding massive spirals at low redshift. As a test of these models, we have obtained X-ray and optical data of the two massive edge-on spirals NGC 5746 and NGC 5170, in order to investigate the amount and origin of hot gas in their disks and halos. Chandra observations of NGC 5746 reveal evidence for diffuse X-ray emission with a total luminosity of ~7 x 10^39 erg/s surrounding this galaxy out to at least ~20 kpc from the disk, whereas an identical study of the less massive NGC 5170 fails to detect any extraplanar X-ray emission. Unlike the case for other disk galaxies with detected X-ray halos, the halo emission around NGC 5746 is not accompanied by extraplanar H-alpha or radio emission, and there is no evidence for significant nuclear or starburst activity in the disk. In contrast to these other cases, the emission around NGC 5746 therefore appears to arise from the cooling of externally accreted material rather than from disk outflows. To verify this idea, we present results of cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and evolution, showing our observations to be in good agreement with expectations for cosmological accretion, while also confirming that the X-ray halos of other spirals do not fit well into an accretion scenario. We find that the estimated cooling rate of hot halo gas around NGC 5746 would provide sufficient material for star formation in the disk to proceed at its present rate. This lends support to the idea that a supply of hot ambient gas is potentially available as fuel for star formation in massive, nearby spirals, and suggests that accretion of hot gas could be important for maintaining the stellar disks of such galaxies.
  • Submitted to Astrophys.J.
  • NGC 5170
  • NGC 5746