Nonsaturated Holographic Dark Energy
Nov, 2006
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
It has been well established by today that the concept of holographic dark energy (HDE) does entail a serious candidate for the dark energy of the universe. Here we deal with models where the holographic bound for dark energy is not saturated for a large portion of the history of the universe. This is particularly compelling when the IR cutoff is set by the Hubble scale, since otherwise a transition from a decelerated to an accelerated era cannot be obtained for a spatially flat universe. We demonstrate by three generic but disparate dynamical models, two of them containing a variable Newton constant, that transition between the two eras is always obtained for the IR cutoff in the form of the Hubble scale and the nonsaturated HDE. We also give arguments of why such a choice for the dark energy is more consistent and favored over the widely accepted saturated form.Note:
- 9 pages, minor revision, to appear in JCAP
- dark energy
- holography
- dynamical system
- cosmological constant
- renormalization group