The Environment of Local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

Jan, 2007
31 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J. 659 (2007) 1096-1105

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The spatial cluster-galaxy correlation amplitude, Bgc, is computed for a set of 76 (z < 0.3) ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) from the 1-Jy sample. The Bgc parameter is used to quantify the richness of the environment within 0.5 Mpc of each ULIRG. We find that the environment of local ULIRGs is similar to that of the field with the possible exceptions of a few objects with environmental densities typical of clusters with Abell richness classes 0 and 1. No obvious trends are seen with redshift, optical spectral type, infrared luminosity, or infrared color. We compare these results with those of local AGNs and QSOs at various redshifts. The 1-Jy ULIRGs show a broader range of environments than local Seyferts, which are exclusively found in the field. The distribution of ULIRG Bgc-values overlaps considerably with that of local QSOs, consistent with the scenario where some QSOs go through a ultraluminous infrared phase. However, a rigorous statistical analysis of the data indicates that these two samples are not drawn from the same parent population. The Bgc distribution of QSOs shows a distinct tail at high Bgc-values which is not apparent among the ULIRGs. This difference is consistent with the fact that some of the QSOs used for this comparison have bigger and more luminous hosts than the 1-Jy ULIRGs.