Shredded Galaxies as the Source of Diffuse Intrahalo Light On Varying Scales
Mar, 2007
14 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J. 666 (2007) 20-33
- astro-ph/0703004 [astro-ph]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We make predictions for diffuse stellar mass fractions in dark matter halos from the scales of small spiral galaxies to those of large galaxy clusters. We use an extensively-tested analytic model for subhalo infall and evolution and empirical constraints from galaxy survey data to set the stellar mass in each accreted subhalo to model diffuse light. We add stellar mass to the diffuse light as subhalos become disrupted due to interactions within their host halos. We predict that the stellar mass fraction in diffuse, intrahalo light should rise on average from ~0.5% to approximately 20% from small galaxy halos to poor groups. The trend with mass flattens considerably beyond the group scale, increasing weakly from a fraction of ~20% in poor galaxy clusters (~10^14 M_sun) to roughly ~30% in massive clusters (~10^15 M_sun). The mass-dependent diffuse light fraction is governed primarily by the empirical fact that the mass-to-light ratio in galaxy halos must vary as a function of halo mass. Galaxy halos have little diffuse light because they accrete most of their mass in small subhalos that themselves have high mass-to-light ratios/ stellar halos around galaxies are built primarily from disrupted dwarf-irregular-type galaxies with M*~10^8.5 M_sun. The diffuse light in group and cluster halos is built from satellite galaxies that form stars efficiently and have correspondingly low mass-to-light ratios/ intracluster light is dominated by material liberated from massive galaxies with M*~10^11 M_sun. Our results are consistent with existing observations spanning the galaxy, group, and cluster scale/ however, they can be tested more rigorously in future deep surveys for faint diffuse light.- COSMOLOGY THEORY
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