The Classification of M1-78

Sep, 1994
16 pages
Published in:
  • Publ.Astron.Soc.Austral. 12 (1995) 31

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The published properties of M1-78 are discussed with the purpose to resolve the object's classification as either a planetary nebula or an ultracompact HII region. A classification as a planetary nebula is rejected primarily because of the high luminosity of the object, but because of the chemical composition and expansion velocity of the nebula, a novel classification is proposed instead: that of an ultracompact HII region with a post-main sequence central star (possibly a WN star). It must therefore follow that observable ultracompact HII regions persist beyond the main sequence lifetimes of at least some massive stars, and so cannot be transient phenomena that are seen only during pre-main sequence or early main sequence evolution.
  • 16 pages, Postscript
  • [1]
    IRAS Colour-Colour Plot of Planetary Nebulae and Compact HIIRegions IRAS colour-colour plot of a sample of planetary nebulae (circles)and compact HII regions (squares) as well as M1-78 (cross) showing flux at λ = 12µm over flux at λ = 25µm in Jansky as a function of flux at λ = 25µm over flux at λ = 60µm, also in Jansky. Planetary nebulae and compact HII regions occupy distinct regions on this plot,although some overlap occurs. M1-78 has a position intermediate between the two classes of objects,but is perhaps more similar to the planetary nebulae. The planetary nebular dataare from The J (1984) and consist of 41 bright planetary nebulae. The compact HIIregion data are from Antonopolou and Pottasch (1987) and consist of 64 nebulae. 2) J = 3 → 2 CO Spectrum of M1-78 = 3 → 2 CO spectrum of M1-78 from Gussie and Taylor (1994). The local standard of rest velocity of the ionized nebula is shown by the arrow. The moleculargas is red-shifted with respect to the ionized gas, and displays a highly-peaked line shape thatis atypical of planetary nebulae. Note the highly red-shifted component near
    • Pottasch