Weak charge changing flow in expanding r process environments

Jan, 1997
21 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J. 489 (1997) 766-771

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We assess the prospects for attaining steady nuclear flow equilibrium in expanding r-process environments where beta decay and/or neutrino capture determine the nuclear charge-changing rates. For very rapid expansions, we find that weak steady flow equilibrium normally cannot be attained. However, even when neutron capture processes freeze out in such nonequilibrium conditions, abundance ratios of nuclear species in the r-process peaks might still mimic those attained in weak steady flow. This result suggests that the r-process yield in a regime of rapid expansion can be calculated reliably only when all neutron capture, photodisintegration, and weak interaction processes are fully coupled in a dynamical calculation. We discuss the implications of these results for models of the r-process sited in rapidly expanding neutrino-heated ejecta.
  • astrophysics: supernova
  • nucleus: production
  • n: capture
  • nucleus: semileptonic decay
  • neutrino: capture
  • nucleus: particle flow
  • numerical calculations