A Perturbed Kantowski-Sachs cosmological model

Jan, 1997
7 pages
Report number:
  • IFT-P-043-96

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
A numerical integration is made, starting with a Kantowski-Sachs (KS) model with an added initial perturbation at time one-tenth the age of the universe, and evolving up to the present. According to a prediction by Barrow (1989), the ratio between the fluctuations of the average matter density and those of the metric tensor varies with the inverse squared wavelength of the fluctuation. In this paper we take an extravantly large value for this wavelength (20% of the horizon's radius), to see that even then that ratio remains greater than unity. So we may be reasonably confident of models assuming density homogeneity, despite the fact that the scale of observed structure in the universe has been increasing lately.
  • 10 pages (latex file written with Scientific Word 2.0) Report-no: IFT-P-043/96