Weak lensing, shear and the cosmic virial theorem in a model with a scale dependent gravitational coupling
Nov, 19967 pages
Published in:
- Gen.Rel.Grav. 29 (1997) 851-857
- astro-ph/9702140 [astro-ph]
Report number:
- DF-IST-1-96
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Abstract: (arXiv)
It is argued that, in models where the gravitational coupling is scale-dependent, predictions concerning weak gravitational lensing and shear are essentially similar to the ones derived from General Relativity. This is consistent with recent negative results of observations of the MS1224, CL2218 and A1689 systems aimimg to infer from those methods the presence of dark matter. It is shown, however, that the situation is quite different in what concerns an analysis based on the Cosmic Virial Theorem.References(18)