Low mass normal matter atmospheres of strange stars and their radiation

Mar, 1997
9 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J.Lett. 481 (1997) L107-L110

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The quark surface of a strange star has a very low emissivity for X-ray photons. I find that a small amount of normal matter at the quark surface with temperature in the range 10~7\la T_{_S}} \ll mc~2/k\simeq 6\times 10~9 K is enough to produce X-rays with high luminosity, LX10 3210 34(ΔM/10 22M) 2ergs 1L_X\simeq 10~{32}- 10~{34}(\Delta M/10~{-22}M_\odot)~2 erg s~{-1}. For the total atmosphere mass ΔM(10 2010 19)M\Delta M\sim (10~{-20}-10~{-19})M_\odot, this luminosity may be as high as the Eddington limit. The mean energy of X-ray photons which are radiated from such a low-mass atmosphere of a strange star is 10 2(TS/10 8K) 0.4530300\sim 10~2(T_S/10~8 K)~{0.45} \simeq 30-300 times larger than the mean energy of X-ray photons which are radiated from the surface of both a neutron star and a strange star with a massive normal-matter envelope, ΔM10 5M\Delta M\sim 10~{-5}M_\odot, for a fixed temperature at the stellar core. This raises the possibility that some black hole candidates with hard X-ray spectra are, in fact, such strange stars with a low-mass atmosphere. The X-ray emission from single strange stars is estimated.
  • astrophysics
  • matter: strangeness
  • quark: surface
  • photon: emission
  • luminosity
  • thermodynamics
  • photon: energy spectrum
  • n: matter