Gamma-rays from supernova remnants and the signatures of diffusive shock acceleration
Apr, 1997
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
While the definitive detection of gamma-rays from known supernova remnants (SNRs) remains elusive, the collection of unidentified EGRET sources that may be associated with SNRs has motivated recent modelling of TeV emission from these sources. Current theoretical models use power-law shock-accelerated protons and electrons in their predictions of expected gamma-ray TeV fluxes from those unidentified EGRET sources with remnant associations. In this paper, we explore a more detailed non-linear shock acceleration model, which generates non-thermal proton distributions and includes a self-consistent determination of shock hydrodynamics. We obtain gamma-ray spectra for SNRs allowing for the cessation of acceleration to high energies that is due to the finite ages and sizes of remnants. Gamma-ray spectral cutoffs can be observed in the TeV range for reasonable remnant parameters, and deviations from power-law behaviour are found at all energies ranging from 1 MeV up to the cutoff. Correlated observations by INTEGRAL, Whipple and other instruments may provide stringent constraints to our understanding of supernova remnants.- talk: St. Malo 1996/09/16
- astrophysics: supernova
- photon: cosmic radiation
- photon: emission
- acceleration: shock waves
- photon: flux
- p: cosmic radiation
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo