Experimental search for solar axions via coherent Primakoff conversion in a germanium spectrometer
Aug, 1997Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Results are reported of an experimental search for the unique, rapidly varying temporal pattern of solar axions coherently converting into photons via the Primakoff effect in a single crystal germanium detector. This conversion is predicted when axions are incident at a Bragg angle with a crystalline plane. The analysis of approximately 1.94 kg.yr of data from the 1 kg DEMOS detector in Sierra Grande, Argentina, yields a new laboratory bound on axion-photon coupling of GeV, independent of axion mass up to ~ 1 keV.- search for: axion
- axion: solar
- scattering: axion nucleus
- Primakoff effect
- photon: production
- semiconductor detector: germanium
- coupling: (axion 2photon)
- upper limit
- experimental results