Revisiting the modified eddington limit for massive stars

Aug, 1997
13 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J. 504 (1998) 200

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We have determined the location of the line-opacity modified Eddington limit for stars in the LMC using the most recent atmosphere models combined with a precise mapping to the HR Diagram through up-to-date stellar evolution calculations. While we find, in agreement with previous studies, that the shape of the modified Eddington limit qualitatively corresponds to the Humphreys-Davidson (HD) limit defined by the most luminous supergiants, the modified limit is actually a full magnitude higher than the upper luminosity limit observed for LMC stars. The observed limit is consistent with atmosphere models in which the maximum value of the ratio of the radiation force outwards to the gravitational force inwards, Y_max, is 0.9, i.e., the photospheres of stars at the observed luminosity limit are bound. As massive stars evolve, they move to higher, and therefore less stable values of Y_max, so mass loss, either sporadic or continuous, may halt their natural redward evolution as they approach the Y_max = 0.9 limit. We assess the metallicity dependence of this limit. If the limit does determine the most luminous stars, and the value of Y_max corresponding to the luminosity limit in the LMC is universal, then the brightest supergiants the SMC should be only marginally brighter (0.3 mag) than those of the LMC, in agreement with observations. Moreover, the brightest supergiants in M31 should be 0.75~mag fainter than those in the LMC.
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