The Formation of cosmic structures in a light gravitino dominated universe

Aug, 1997
29 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 57 (1998) 2089-2100
Report number:
  • TUM-HEP-288-97,
  • SFB-375-206

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We analyse the formation of cosmic structures in models where the dark matter is dominated by light gravitinos with mass of 100 100 eV -- 1 keV, as predicted by gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking models. After evaluating the number of degrees of freedom at the gravitinos decoupling (gg_*), we compute the transfer function for matter fluctuations and show that gravitinos behave like warm dark matter (WDM) with free-streaming scale comparable to the galaxy mass scale. We consider different low-density variants of the WDM model, both with and without cosmological constant, and compare the predictions on the abundances of neutral hydrogen within high-redshift damped Ly--α\alpha systems and on the number density of local galaxy clusters with the corresponding observational constraints. We find that none of the models satisfies both constraints at the same time, unless a rather small Ω0\Omega_0 value (\mincir 0.4) and a rather large Hubble parameter (\magcir 0.9) is assumed. Furthermore, in a model with warm + hot dark matter, with hot component provided by massive neutrinos, the strong suppression of fluctuation on scales of \sim 1\hm precludes the formation of high-redshift objects, when the low--zz cluster abundance is required. We conclude that all different variants of a light gravitino DM dominated model show strong difficulties for what concerns cosmic structure formation. This gives a severe cosmological constraint on the gauge-mediated SUSY breaking scheme.
  • 28 pages,Latex, submitted for publication to Phys.Rev.D
  • supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
  • model: messenger
  • gravitino
  • LSP
  • dark matter
  • cosmological constant
  • density: fluctuation
  • spectrum: fluctuation
  • hydrogen: density
  • galaxy: cluster