On formation and evolution of disk galaxies: cosmological initial conditions and the gravitational collapse

Oct, 1997
31 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J. 505 (1998) 37

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We use a semianalytical approach and a CDM cosmological model to study the gravitational collapse and virialization, the structure, as well as the global and statistical properties of isolated dark matter galactic halos which emerge from primordial Gaussian fluctuations. From the statistical properties of the density fluctuation field the possible mass aggregation histories (MAHs) are generated, and these histories are used as the initial conditions of the gravitational collapse. To calculate the structure of the virialized systems we have generalized the secondary infall model. Although a range of halo structures is obtained, the average density profiles agree with the profile derived as a fitting formula to results of N-body cosmological simulations. The comparison of the density profiles with the observational data is disscused, and some possible solutions to the disagreement found in the inner regions are discussed. The results of our approach, after considering the gravitational dragging of the baryon matter that forms a central disk in centrifugal equilibrium, show that the Tully-Fisher relation and its scatter can be explained through the initial cosmological conditions. The sigma8=1 SCDM model produces galaxies with high velocities when compared to observations, but when the SCDM power spectrum is normalized to sigma8=0.57 an excellent agreement with the observable TF relation is found, suggesting that this relation is the natural extension to galactic scales of the observed galaxy distribution power spectrum. The theoretical TF scatter is close to the measured one. The slope of the TF relation is practically invariant with respect to the spin parameter lambda.