The vela x-1 pulse-averaged spectrum as observed by bepposax
Nov, 1997Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We report on the 20 ksec observation of Vela X-1 performed by BeppoSAX on 1996 July 14 during its Science Verification Phase. We observed the source in two intensity states, characterized by a change in luminosity of a factor ~ 2, and a change in absorption of a factor ~ 10. The single Narrow Field Instrument pulse-averaged spectra are well fit by a power law with significantly different indices. This is in agreement with the observed changes of slope in the wide-band spectrum: a first change of slope at ~ 10 keV, and a second one at ~ 35 keV. To mimic this behaviour we used a double power law modified by an exponential cutoff --- the so-called NPEX model --- to fit the whole 2-100 keV continuum. This functional is able to adequately describe the data, expecially the low intensity state. We found an absorption-like feature at ~ 57 keV, very well visible in the ratio performed with the Crab spectrum. We interpreted this feature as a cyclotron resonance, corresponding to a neutron star surface magnetic strength of 4.9 x 10^12 Gauss. The BeppoSAX data do not require the presence of a cyclotron resonance at ~ 27 keV as found in earlier works.References(15)