Bolometric light curves of supernovae and post-explosion magnetic fields
Nov, 1997Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The various effects leading to diversity in the bolometric light curves of supernovae are examined: nucleosynthesis, kinematic differences, ejected mass, degree of mixing, and configuration and intensity of the magnetic field are discussed. In Type Ia supernovae, a departure in the bolometric light curve from the full-trapping decline of Co can occur within the two and a half years after the explosion, depending on the evolutionary path followed by the WD during the accretion phase. If convection has developed in the WD core during the presupernova evolution, starting several thousand years before the explosion, a tangled magnetic field close to the equipartition value should have grown in the WD. Such an intense magnetic field would confine positrons where they originate from the Co decays, and preclude a strong departure from the full-trapping decline, as the supernova expands. This situation is expected to occur in C+O Chandrasekhar WDs as opposed to edge-lit detonated sub-Chandrasekhar WDs. If the pre-explosion magnetic field of the WD is less intense than 10G, a lack of confinement of the positrons emitted in the Co decay and a departure from full-trapping decline would occur. The time at which it takes place can provide estimates of the original magnetic field of the WD, its configuration, and also of the mass of the supernova ejecta. In SN 1991bg, the bolometric light curve suggests absence of a significant tangled magnetic field (intensity lower than G). Chandrasekhar-mass models do not reproduce the bolometric light curve of this supernova. For SN 1972E, on the contrary, there is evidence for a tangled configuration of the magnetic field and its light curve is well reproduced by a Chandrasekhar WD explosion.References(58)