Far-ultraviolet and visible imaging of the nucleus of m32
Apr, 1998Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We have imaged the nucleus of M32 at 1600 Angstroms (FUV) and 5500 Angstroms (V) using the Wide-Field/Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) aboard HST. We detected the nucleus at 1600 Angstroms using the redleak-free Woods filter on WFPC2. The FUV light profile can be fit with a Gaussian of FWHM 0.46 (4.6 pixels), but cannot be resolved into individual stars: no UV-bright nuclear structure was detected. The (FUV-V) color of the nucleus is 4.9 +/- 0.3, consistent with earlier observations. We are unable to confirm any radial variation in (FUV-V) within 0.8 of the nucleus: beyond that radius the FUV surface brightness drops below our detection threshhold. We also performed surface photometry in V and found our results to be in excellent agreement with deconvolved, WFPC1 results. M32's light profile continues to rise in a nuclear cusp even within 0.1 of its center. No intermediate-age stellar population is required by evolutionary population synthesis models to reproduce the (FUV-V) color of the nucleus, although these data and current models are insufficient to resolve this issue.Note:
- 12 pages, 3 figures, LaTex aaspp4.sty, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal