Gas and dust emission from the nuclear region of the circinus galaxy
May, 1998Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Simultaneous modeling of the line and continuum emission from the nuclear region of the Circinus galaxy is presented. Composite models which include the combined effect of shocks and photoionization from the active center and from the circumnuclear star forming region are considered. The effects of dust reradiation, bremsstrahlung from the gas and synchrotron radiation are treated consistently. The proposed model accounts for two important observational features. First, the high obscuration of Circinus central source is produced by high velocity and dense clouds with characteristic high dust-to-gas ratios. Their large velocities, up to 1500 km\s, place them very close to the active center. Second, the derived size of the line emitting region is well in agreement with the observed limits for the coronal and narrow line region of Circinus.Note:
- 36 pages, LaTex (including 4 Tables and 9 figures), $$ removed from Abstract To appear in "The Astrophysical Journal"