Rxte spectroscopy of grs 1915+105
Jun, 1998Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The galactic superluminal motion source GRS 1915+105 has been extensively observed with the RXTE satellite over the last two years. More than 250 RXTE pointings have been performed until mid-May 1998 with more than 1.5 Msec exposure time on roughly a weekly basis. Here we report on first results of our spectral analysis of a major part of these pointed RXTE observations. We establish the existence of at least 5 spectral components and present the changes of these components over the last two years.Note:
- 4 pages LATEX + 1 ps-figure, newarcrc.sty style file: Proc. of 2nd workshop on Galactic Sources with Relativistic Jets: Milton Keynes, April 1998, to appear in Vistas in Astronomy: also available from http://www.obs.aip.de/~jcg/publis.html