Age dating of a high-redshift qso b1422+231 at z=3.62 and its cosmological implications

Sep, 1998
7 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J.Lett. 507 (1998) L113

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The observed Fe II(UV+optical)/Mg II lambda lambda 2796,2804 flux ratio from a gravitationally lensed quasar B1422+231 at z=3.62 is interpreted in terms of detailed modeling of photoionization and chemical enrichment in the broad-line region (BLR) of the host galaxy. The delayed iron enrichment by Type Ia supernovae is used as a cosmic clock. Our standard model, which matches the Fe II/Mg II ratio, requires the age of 1.5 Gyr for B1422+231 with a lower bound of 1.3 Gyr, which exceeds the expansion age of the Einstein-de Sitter Omega_0=1 universe at a redshift of 3.62 for any value of the Hubble constant in the currently accepted range, H_0=60-80 km,s^{-1},Mpc^{-1}. This problem of an age discrepancy at z=3.62 can be unraveled in a low-density Omega_0<0.2 universe, either with or without a cosmological constant, depending on the allowable redshift range of galaxy formation. However, whether the cosmological constant is a required option in modern cosmology awaits a thorough understanding of line transfer processes in the BLRs.