Two species of the local group dwarf spheroidals

Oct, 1998
4 pages
Published in:
  • IAU Symp. 192 (1999) 451
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We analyzed 10 dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) in the Local Group, and found two distinct sequences on the Mvir/LM_{\rm vir} / L -- MvirM_{\rm vir} plane: Mvir/LMvir1.6M_{\rm vir} / L \propto M_{\rm vir}^{1.6} for Mvir<108MM_{\rm vir} < 10^8 M_\odot whereas Mvir/Lconst.M_{\rm vir} / L \simeq {\rm const.} for Mvir>108MM_{\rm vir} > 10^8 M_\odot (MvirM_{\rm vir} and LL are the virial mass and the total luminosity of a dSph, respectively). We interpret the disconuity as the threshold for the gas in dSphs to be blown away by successive supernovae. We succeeded to give a quantitative explanation of the discontinuity mass of 108M10^8M_\odot as blow-away condition. We further derived the above relation for the low-mass dSphs, assuming that the initial star formation rate of the dSphs is proportional to the inverse of the cooling time. The relation of high-mass dSphs is also explained along with the same consideration, with the condition that the gas cannot been blown away effectively.